Experimental Comics

March 3, 2025 - April 14, 2025

5 sessions

Mondays 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Teaching Artist: Kyle Canyon

Calling all comic lovers! Join this six-week course to explore the medium of comics. Students will learn the basics of character design, storyboarding, and sequential art by utilizing hands-on skills and a wide range of art materials. This course is open to all experience levels and focuses on making experimental comics.

It’s the perfect time to give your imaginary characters a reality of their own. Create your best creatures and the worlds they live in through acts of writing and art-making. Students will learn the basics of character design, storyboarding, and sequential art by experimenting with different guidelines. This course is perfect for the self-directed project student who loves playing pretend or making their grand ideas into short stories.

Through engaging demonstrations and hands-on activities, you’ll learn how to bring your creative visions to life.  Ages 9-13.

Education Policies and Procedures

Please review Newport Art Museum's education policies and procedures.

Location and parking

Newport Art Museum classes are held in the Museum School at the Coleman Center for Creative Studies, at 26 Liberty Street. Please park in our museum parking lots or on Liberty Street.

Museum members receive a discount on tuition!

Financial Aid

Financial Aid is available. Please submit an application to the Education Director two weeks before class begins.